Soeur Bell, oui, elle est belle!
Soeur Castillo, my crazy Canadian :)
little Lucille
love me some Cheetah..#getontheirlevel
call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me...
Hey hey hey!
What another wonderful week...only downfall of this week was
that it is freezing...time to whip out the winter coats! I don't understand
France weather...it's August..why is it already becoming autumn? Slow down
father time! Well this mission just got a make-over I would say because we lost
15 sisters and have 15 brand new sisters in the mission. This week we finally
got to meet some new faces.
Tuesday and Wednesday were super fun because I got to spend a
day with an awesome girl named Soeur Bell. That's right "Sister Beautiful'
she is one of a kind. She just arrived from the MTC, but she is a wise soul and
knows more than me about everything so I learned so much from her. It was also
really fun having a companion the same height as me #yayfortallgirls. We saw so
many miracles in the wonderful, muslim packed city of Mulhouse. We contacted a
few girls that were super interested and it was such a fun day. One of them was
named Cassandra from Romania. She was a hoot. She was so pumped to talk to us
about Jesus, she was bouncing around and jumping all over. I love foreigners
who love Jesus!
Thursday and Friday we went on exchanges with Soeur Castillo and
her new bleu from Florida (Winter Park). We had a fun day in Nancy with them
and I got to be with my dear old comp Soeur Castillo. I'm so proud of her
training and everything. It was fun to spend the day with her and see so many
amazing miracles just like old times in Rouen. One of the ladies we contacted
had a cute little girl in a stroller. We stopped her and we began to talk to
her and she was down for giving her number. She was really nice and explained
that she was buddhist, but also Christian. Soeur Castillo totally whipped out
an inspired questions and asked her why she had become buddhist. She told us of
how she had questions that she still to this day doesn't have answered..gotta
love questions of the soul! We all have em! She was so open with us and said
she was still on her search. WOW! We prayed with her and her little girl and she
was really excited to see us in the future. It's the little miracles like these
that make the mission so abundant and enjoyable.
Later we met up with Catherine in a park and talked to her about
life and we go to explain the baptismal covenant with her. Our discussion
because interrupted though from some people she ran into, but the Spirit was
still there. We really want Catherine to have this gospel. We've been praying
so hard for her because we know how much the true church of Jesus Christ and
the fulness of His gospel will help her in her daily life. Keep her in your
prayers! :) Her cute daughter, Lucille gave Soeur Lefrandt and I the cutest
little bracelets all wrapped up and everything. We call her our little sister.
She is a handful and hilarious.
Saturday we saw the Kimbergt's. They made Soeur Lefrandt and I
our very own business cards! Woot woot! It's tradition for all missionaries to
receive this awesome creation.
Ok, best for last! Last night was probably one of the funniest
nights of my mission..So Soeur Lefrandt and I had really been wanting to see an
Armenien member named Nune. Lately on the phone she said she was in pain and
she hadn't been to church in a while so we were really worried about her. We
had a hard time communicating with her on the phone because she speaks so
little English and no French. So we finally figured out where she lived and it
was super far. We asked our "oh so kind" elders to come with us to give her a
blessing. We arrive and she gets her blessing and we sing for 5 funny
Armeniens..Nune being the only member of the church. It's just a mixture of
English, French, Armenien, and Russian in a little room consisting of a sink, a
closet, two beds, and a tv. Turns out Nune's neighbor that spoke decent French
was interested in hearing about our church so the elders were blessed with a
new golden ami! Nune was so happy we came she just kept taking our hands and
saying "My Darling.." which is about the only English she knows, but
she is precious and we love her. It's always a good night when Armeniens are
involved :)
Well life is wonderful and I love missionary life. Wouldn't
trade it for anything in the world. I'm really sorry to hear about the loss in
the family, but I know our sorrows can be swallowed up in the plan our Heavenly
Father created to make all the choas somehow work out and help us comprehend
that all we don't understand will be fine. It just requires faith in His timing
and trust in His plan. It really reminded me of how slim our time on earth is
and how we must all remember the little things in life are what matter most. I
love you all so much. Keep safe and be happy! You are in my prayers!
Sœur Berge